Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Shape of things to come...

I chanced upon this garment at the mall that promises contour enhancement. The saleslady insisting that this piece of clothing works miracles and to me it sounded more like an insult to my unflattering figure.

Quick history:
Flashback 1996. I barely weighed 90lbs. I forked out some cash to buy myself a can of Ensure that tasted more like breastmilk. I switched to choco-flavored Sustagen mixed with full cream milk to add more flab to my anorexic figure.
Fast-forward 1999. 100 lbs. I've concluded that most effective weight-gain program - A steady boyfriend with a big appetite.
2002 - Another factor that has greatly affected my eating habits. Stable job. Daily dose of McDonald's value meal and fast-food specialities.
2003 - Pregnancy
2004 - Age.. holy sh--!

According to Dr. Bello, there is always a price for beauty. On my wedding day I wore this expensive maidenform corset that didn't do much for my empire-cut gown. That night my lungs hurt like hell and felt like my life would end on my honeymoon. The hotel nurse asked about all the things I ate and all my activities for the day. "I got married" I joked. No reaction from her side, then she said. "You wore something too tight no?"
Hotel Nurse cum psychic huh?

I later accepted the fact that things will never be the same again. I guess, that includes my figure.

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