Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sick Sick Sick

Literally. Been sick since December. Just like a corny relationship... my contagious coughing would go on and off. Diagnosis? Bronchitis, rhinitis, back to bronchitis, acute allergic rhinitis, upper respiratory tract infection, with viral complications. Which means... I've been jumping from mucolytics, expectorants, antihestamines, phenylpropanolamine, and all sorts of antibiotics.... then steroids, bitter dirt tasting steroids. To be honest, I don't think I have strong lungs. This makes me me highly vulnerable to viral diseases and throat or lung infections. And really... I have never coughed this way before. It almost sounded like tubercuosis. I was cleared from TB though and even from a lung infection. I tried eating yummy pasta.. but again,,thanks to the kidney basin I was relieved for about 1410 minutes. hahaha.

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