Thursday, May 03, 2007

Elevator Blues Vol I.

Going to my office, I have to ride the elevator at least 10 times a week. From there you'll get to see the most exciting breed of people.

Call Center boys
guy1: Pare si Jason Webb tatakbo samin this election.
guy 2: Sheet pare, talaga. Daming barkadang goons yun.
guy 1: O nga pare. Pati si Roselle Nava, tatakbo din.
guy 2: Hahaha, talaga? E di iboboto mo yun?
guy 1: Hindi ah. Batukan ko pa yun.
chorus: hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Staff and senior employee from a prestigious culinary & hotel management school in our building.
Girl: (complaining in megaphone mode from the lobby to the elevator)
" And I'm like, hello? Don't you know how to say it correctly? I mean, it's like, so elementary really. "
Senior Guy: "uhm"
Girl: "They're like stupid terms in her report I can't understand it. Like she's trying to be smart or what but she's not really.. like she's a graduate of what school.. it's Ivy something whatever.."
Senior Guy: Ivy League?
Girl: Yah something like that. Is that even a school?
Senior Guy: smirking & shaking head.
Me & all passengers: eyebrows raised / eyes rolling (like..duh!)
More Call Center boys:
Guy1: Man, I'm sooo thin.
Guy2: O nga pare. You're what the girls call it..anorexit?
Guy 1: O yeah.
(e baka Bulimit...)


Pregnant employee from multinational shipping company and her co-employees at lunch time:

Guy: May bago ka nanaman baby. Last year kaka 1st birthday lang ng panganay mo, may bunso ka nanaman.

Buntis: Aksidente nga ako eh. Ewan ba ko ano nangyari.

Guy: Ganon? Tinanong mo ba asawa mo?

Buntis: Oo, sa phone lang. 2 years na sya sa Dubai e.



More Call center dudes:

Guy with headphones, singing to Devo's Whip It.

"So wiff et, wifet gowd!!"

Sows! Accent training pa pls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I just bet that those call center dudes think they're pretty cool with their fake twangs.

Nothing tops the girl with her Ivy League booboo though hahahahaha