Monday, August 15, 2005

Recruitment Files Vol. 2 - TIPS

The interviewer observes the applicants every move... Fresh grads & first time applicants check the textbook Guide to Interviews... boys & are some tips not mentioned by your Career Guide or even your favorite Richard Bolles' "What Color is you Parachute" edition..

1. Know when to shut up.. As in..
Don't exagerrate.
Don't give too many opinions.
Never give unsolicited comments.
Don't give a bad rap about your former employer.
Don't talk too much.
Never ever..butt in.

2. Focus. This is not the time to daydream.
3. Don't stare like you're posessed. This will creep out your interviewer.
Make eye contact, but don't overdo it.
3. Sit properly. This is a job interview. Not therapy.
4. Act like a pro. This is not star search, star in a million or abs-cbn
talent search. We are not after your rapping skills, ya know.
5. Limit the "ya know what I mean.." phrase. Its annoying enough when J.Lo uses it.
6. Don't raise your eyebrows...(wag na magtaray please... leave the pagtataray to me)
7. Again this is not therapy. I don't care about your problems.
8. The interviewer is looking for confidence..not overconfidence, and definitely not arrogance. (Oh please, I'm from UP save it!)
9. Don't speak too loud. You are not applying for the PEP squad.
10. No sales talk please. (I am not buying magnetic shoe pads..)

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